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Yearly Archives: 2025 − News & Stories


The days when the polar night meant only dark­ness and scur­vy are long gone. Today Lon­gye­ar­by­en offers a lot of varie­ty even in the dark win­ter. The cul­tu­ral calen­dar always offers a lec­tu­re (often in Nor­we­gi­an) or other smal­ler events.

Some­ti­mes the­re are lar­ger events, such as the Polar­jazz jazz fes­ti­val last weekend. Just as the Dark Sea­sons Blues Fes­ti­val at the end of Octo­ber, Polar­jazz fea­tures local artists as well as well-known Nor­we­gi­an and inter­na­tio­nal musi­ci­ans. Both fes­ti­vals have been an inte­gral part of Svalbard’s cul­tu­ral calen­dar for many years.

Longyearbyen’s music sce­ne kicks off

Polar­jazz was ope­ned on Thurs­day evening in Kul­tur­hu­set (the cul­tu­ral cent­re) by a num­ber of local artists. It is impres­si­ve how many acti­ve musi­ci­ans Lon­gye­ar­by­en has to offer – after all, it is a vil­la­ge with a popu­la­ti­on of around 2500. But how many vil­la­ges with a popu­la­ti­on of 2500 can put tog­e­ther a pro­gram­me of almost three hours, with hard­ly anyo­ne on stage for more than one song?

Polarjazz: Opening evening, Kulturhus

Ope­ning evening of the Polar­jazz fes­ti­val
with musi­ci­ans from Lon­gye­ar­by­en at the Kul­tur­hus.

Com­mis­sio­ned work for the Spits­ber­gen Trea­ty

The pro­gram­me con­tin­ued until Sun­day, with num­e­rous events. One of the high­lights was undoub­ted­ly the world pre­mie­re of a work by Bug­ge Wes­selt­oft in the Huset, com­mis­sio­ned and rea­li­sed for the 100th anni­ver­sa­ry of the Spits­ber­gen Trea­ty, which came into force in 1925. In the nine sequen­ces of his work, Wes­selt­oft has incor­po­ra­ted ever­y­thing he asso­cia­tes with Sval­bard, both soni­cal­ly and visual­ly, to the delight of audi­en­ces and cri­tics ali­ke.

Polarjazz: World premiere of the work by Bugge Wesseltoft at Huset

World pre­mie­re of the work by Bug­ge Wes­selt­oft at Huset.

Few, if any, seem to have noti­ced that he cho­se the Well­man-Bjør­vig-Bent­sen sto­ry, a dra­ma from 1898-99 set in the Rus­si­an archi­pe­la­go Franz Josefs Land, for the sec­tion devo­ted to the dra­ma­tic histo­ry of the various north pole expe­di­ti­ons, or they have sim­ply over­loo­ked it.

Ella Marie Hæt­ta Isak­sen

Ano­ther high­light was the per­for­mance of Sami sin­ger and actress Ella Marie in Kul­tur­hu­set. Here the music was hot and loud, with modern sounds that didn’t lose their cul­tu­ral roots. The poli­ti­cal mes­sa­ges were not negle­c­ted eit­her, such as the poli­ti­cal­ly com­mit­ted Sami singer’s unmist­aka­ble gree­ting to the Nor­we­gi­an govern­ment, in which two midd­le fin­gers play­ed the lea­ding roles. Anyo­ne who has the chan­ce to see Ella Marie Hæt­ta Isak­sen, as she is known in full, on stage should not miss it.

Polarjazz: Ella Marie, Kulturhuset

Ella Marie and band on stage in kul­tur­hu­set.

If you are thin­king about taking a cul­tu­ral trip to the polar night, you can take a look at the pro­gram­me on their own web­site (2026 is still a long way off, alt­hough pre­pa­ra­ti­ons are alre­a­dy under­way behind the sce­nes).

And what else? The light is coming back, the dark core of the polar night is giving way to day­light. But it will be a few weeks befo­re the sun real­ly comes back again.


View over the camp­si­te on Tues­day at noon­ti­me: the polar night is coming to an end.

As usu­al, a few more pic­tures for fur­ther impres­si­ons:

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

The iron bed in the red-light dis­trict

The title might make your thoughts go astray 🤪 but don’t worry, this post doesn’t need an age limit.

I recent­ly men­tio­ned ‘Jern­sen­ga’, ‘the iron bed’ in Advent­da­len. If you want to know what that is all about and what the sto­ry behind it is, you can take a look at a new page I have crea­ted sin­ce then. Just click here and you’ll be in Advent­da­len in your mind’s eye.

And as a visu­al high­light, the­re is a pan­o­r­amic view on that page, taken in this incre­di­bly beau­tiful red light that we recent­ly had. It real­ly looks like what I ima­gi­ne it would look like on Mars, it was quite incre­di­ble!

So as not to spoil any­thing, there’s no pic­tu­re here now. But you will of cour­se find pic­tures on the new Jern­sen­ga page.

And if you want even more of the beau­tiful red light, you should take a look at Inne­rhyt­ta.

The polar night

… is over. At least if you defi­ne the end of the polar night as the day on which ‘civil twi­light’ returns at noon, i.e. the sun is 6 degrees or more below the hori­zon. This was the case yes­ter­day (30 Janu­ary) at just after 12 noon for the first time sin­ce 11 Novem­ber.

Twi­light: civil, nau­ti­cal, astro­no­mic­al

When the sun is lower than -6 degrees around the clock (i.e. 6 degrees below the hori­zon), this is cal­led polar night. Befo­re and after this, the­re are seve­ral weeks when the sun does not rise, but is very low below the hori­zon at mid­day (bet­ween 0 and 6 degrees), so that the­re is a clear twi­light. This is known as ‘civil twi­light’, which peo­p­le expe­ri­ence as dawn. The­re is also nau­ti­cal twi­light (the sun is 6-12 degrees below the hori­zon, which can still be seen by navi­ga­tors at sea) and astro­no­mic­al twi­light (the sun is 12-18 degrees below the hori­zon, which can still be seen by astro­no­mers with a trai­ned eye), and only when the sun is lower than 18 degrees below the hori­zon do we offi­ci­al­ly speak of dark­ness.

In Lon­gye­ar­by­en, it does never hap­pen that the sun is lower than 18 degrees below the hori­zon for 24 hours. Even at the dar­kest time, around 21 Decem­ber, the sun is still bet­ween 11 and 12 degrees below the hori­zon at mid­day, so that when the sky is clear the­re is a hint of twi­light to the south. Strict­ly spea­king, it is never com­ple­te­ly dark for 24 hours in Lon­gye­ar­by­en.

Polar night near Longyearbyen, red light

The end of the polar night: view of Hiorth­fjel­let on 30 Janu­ary, spi­ced up with a dose of red light (Ray­leigh-scat­te­ring).

You can read more about this on the cor­re­spon­ding page mid­night sun and polar night.

Pic­tures: the end of the polar night

A few impres­si­ons from yes­ter­day (30 Janu­ary) at noon, alt­hough I had alre­a­dy missed the brigh­test point. The­re was inde­ed a good whiff of that won­derful red light in the air again, alt­hough it wasn’t as inten­se as it was a week ago.

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

Red light

I need to come back to the stun­ning phe­no­me­non of the red light again. First­ly, in last week’s post (‘Red sky’) I somehow for­got to men­ti­on the name of the phe­no­me­non that is ulti­m­ate­ly respon­si­ble for this red light. It is cal­led Ray­leigh scat­te­ring. That should be added.

And I also cap­tu­red the red light in a com­ple­te 360 degree pan­ora­ma last week, it just had to be pro­ces­sed first. Here is an exam­p­le from Advent­da­len, at ‘Jern­sen­ga’ (‘the iron bed’, the­re is inde­ed a beds­tead stan­ding in the land­scape. But that is ano­ther sto­ry, for ano­ther day). The­re is ano­ther red light pano on the Inne­rhyt­ta page, taken on a pin­go a litt­le fur­ther into Advent­da­len.

Ships as an eco­no­mic fac­tor in Lon­gye­ar­by­en

In Lon­gye­ar­by­en, as in many other places, not ever­yo­ne is hap­py to see crui­se ships in the har­bour. The crui­se indus­try, espe­ci­al­ly with its lar­ger ships, is not always wel­co­med in Lon­gye­ar­by­en.

And the locals have cer­tain­ly been annoy­ed by the queu­es at the post office, the super­mar­ket or the over­c­row­ded café, and dri­vers regu­lar­ly react with incom­pre­hen­si­on to tou­rists who mista­ke the road bet­ween the har­bour and the town cent­re for a foot­path. It’s all the­re for all to see on the days in ques­ti­on.

Ships, Longyearbyen

Ships of all sizes come to Lon­gye­ar­by­en. They all lea­ve money the­re.

What is invi­si­ble, howe­ver, is what the ships bring to Lon­gye­ar­by­en: eco­no­mic power in the form of a lot of money. Of cour­se, tho­se who don’t get a seat in the café or sla­lom down the street at wal­king pace are not neces­s­a­ri­ly the ones who­se bank accounts fill up. But the amounts are con­sidera­ble, and a signi­fi­cant part of it is dis­tri­bu­ted wide­ly through the wages of num­e­rous ser­vice pro­vi­ders and sales in shops.

Now we have some figu­res for 2024:

  • The some­what smal­ler ships (‘expe­di­ti­on ships’) left 235 mil­li­on kro­ner (around 20 mil­li­on euros) in Lon­gye­ar­by­en.
  • The cor­re­spon­ding figu­re for the lar­ger crui­se ships is 112.5 mil­li­on kro­ner (around 9.6 mil­li­on euros).
  • Pas­sen­gers on smal­ler ships are also ahead when it comes to per­so­nal spen­ding: on avera­ge, expe­di­ti­on ship pas­sen­gers spent 8090 kro­ner (around 690 euros) per per­son, while crui­se ship pas­sen­gers spent 1886 kro­ner (160 euros).
  • Ny-Åle­sund bene­fi­ted from 21,000 visi­tors who came as tou­rists on ships with 14 mil­li­on kro­ner (approx. 1.2 mil­li­on euros).

The­se figu­res are con­sidera­ble, espe­ci­al­ly as the­se are very small towns: In purely mathe­ma­ti­cal terms, ship tou­rists lea­ve behind around 12,000 euros for each of Longyearbyen’s 2500 inha­bi­tants. This includes fees for the har­bour, which the muni­ci­pa­li­ty owns but can­not free­ly dis­po­se of for legal reasons, but also hotels, retail­ers, restau­rants and local tour ope­ra­tors.

It would be inte­res­t­ing to know exact­ly what the­se sums are spent on and whe­re the money goes. Howe­ver, this is not clear from the infor­ma­ti­on available. It comes from a report by the Danish con­sul­tancy Epi­ni­on for the indus­try asso­cia­ti­on Visit Sval­bard. They found the figu­res so high that they asked Epi­ni­on to check for errors befo­re they took it fur­ther. Howe­ver, the report tur­ned out to be cor­rect and some of the key figu­res have now been published in Sval­bard­pos­ten.

Red sky

Thurs­day (23 Janu­ary) was one of tho­se rare pur­ple days. It real­ly is rare. When this light comes, it seems to hap­pen pre­fer­a­b­ly during the polar night, as it is coming near the end, as was the case on 10 Janu­ary 2018, when the­re was an artic­le about it in Sval­bard­pos­ten.

It pro­ba­b­ly hap­pens less than once a year that the sky turns red in such a magni­fi­cent way. Yes­ter­day was one of tho­se days when you can count yours­elf lucky if you’re in the right place. And even more so if you’re able to spon­ta­neous­ly drop the ham­mer and head out into Advent­da­len with your came­ra, away from the arti­fi­ci­al light.

A few impres­si­ons:

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

The colour of the pho­tos real­ly cor­re­sponds to the impres­si­on you got on the spot.

The phy­sics of the red sky

In the Sval­bard­pos­ten artic­le lin­ked abo­ve, Dag A. Lorent­zen, then as now pro­fes­sor of geo­phy­sics at UNIS, explains the phe­no­me­non by the refrac­tion of sun­light in high atmo­sphe­ric lay­ers, at an alti­tu­de of about 20 kilo­me­t­res. Howe­ver, the meteo­ro­lo­gi­cal con­di­ti­ons must be just right: The­se include a very cold atmo­sphe­re in the­se lay­ers of air and the for­ma­ti­on of spe­cial clouds that refract the light in exact­ly the way that pro­du­ces this colou­ring. The­se ‘clouds’ them­sel­ves are not visi­ble; they are weak con­cen­tra­ti­ons of ice crys­tals rather than what is com­mon­ly thought of as clouds. In this case, the parts of the spec­trum from vio­let to green are most­ly lost due to refrac­tion and scat­te­ring, lea­ving the remai­ning wave­lengths (main­ly red) to domi­na­te.

The actu­al cir­cum­s­tances must be so exact that the phe­no­me­non of the ‘red sky’ is so rare. In my opi­ni­on, the colour impres­si­on is more vio­let, but as the vio­let part of the spec­trum of visi­ble sun­light is the first to be lost, the term red is pro­ba­b­ly more appro­pria­te from a phy­si­cal point of view.

Pur­ple haze

The appro­pria­te sound­track is of cour­se ‘Pur­ple Haze’ by Jimi Hen­drix 🙂.

Fresh vege­ta­bles …

… are curr­ent­ly a bit dif­fi­cult in Lon­gye­ar­by­en. This has hap­pen­ed befo­re, after all, it is still at the end of the world or at least not far off. But things are get­ting thin­ner now and will pro­ba­b­ly stay that way for a while. This is what some of the shel­ves in the fresh pro­du­ce sec­tion of the Sval­bard­bu­tik­ken super­mar­ket look like the­se days:

Svalbardbutikken, Empty shelves

Emp­ty shel­ves in Sval­bard­bu­tik­ken.

The regu­lar car­go pla­ne stop­ped ope­ra­ting at the end of last year. A repla­ce­ment is plan­ned, but not yet in sight.

Car­go ships come regu­lar­ly to Lon­gye­ar­by­en, the pas­sa­ge from Trom­sø takes 3-4 days. Howe­ver, the logi­stics are obvious­ly not yet per­fect, and depen­ding on the wea­ther, it is not unhe­ard of that a car­go of eggs arri­ves in the shape of of scram­bled eggs mixed with card­board and eggshells.

At the moment, Sval­bard­bu­tik­ken has no choice but to ask its cus­to­mers to be pati­ent.

Svalbardbutikken, leere Regale

Noti­ce on an emp­ty shelf: ‘Due to the new flight and freight situa­ti­on, the­re will be a shorta­ge of peri­s­ha­ble goods bet­ween deli­veries for some time.

Until the air­port ope­ned in 1975, Lon­gye­ar­by­en was cut off from sup­pli­es for months in win­ter. After the war and until 1975, the­re was a mail pla­ne that occa­sio­nal­ly made deli­veries by ‘mail drop’ (lite­ral­ly). The­re were pro­ba­b­ly no bana­nas or eggs in it eit­her, and the con­tents of many a tin of apri­cots had to be scraped out of the snow later, fro­zen 🙂. At that time the­re was a ‘jern­ku’, an ‘iron cow’, in which milk was made from pow­de­red milk. The term ‘jern­ku’ is often used in Lon­gye­ar­by­en the­se days, with a slight­ly sar­ca­stic under­to­ne. The­re was inde­ed a real cow, and some­ti­mes seve­ral ones, but the milk it pro­du­ced was reser­ved for pregnant women and fami­lies with small child­ren.

Cows in Longyearbyen

Cows in Lon­gye­ar­by­en (1937). Pho­to: Odd Dani­el­sen.

For now, we have to make do with what we have. The car­go ship is due to arri­ve on Mon­day.

New pages

By the way, if you have the time and incli­na­ti­on to let your mind wan­der a litt­le more towards Spits­ber­gen, you can do so on the new pages that are being crea­ted during the long evenings of the polar night. After years of explo­ring remo­te cor­ners of the island also regar­ding new pages within this web­site, I’m now con­cen­t­ra­ting more on the beau­tiful places we’ll be visi­ting in the future. The­re are still many unknown cor­ners to be dis­co­ver­ed, but I’m going to take a more or less sys­te­ma­tic approach, start­ing with a few well-known spots. Trygg­ham­na with Alk­hor­net and Ymer­buk­ta tog­e­ther with the neigh­bou­ring beau­tiful Erd­mann­flya will cer­tain­ly be remem­be­red fondly by some.

I men­tio­ned Sas­senfjord and Tem­pel­fjord in this con­text back in Decem­ber. The gap bet­ween them will also be clo­sed in the future.

Esmarkbreen in Ymerbukta

Esmark­breen in Ymer­buk­ta: still one of my favou­ri­te gla­cier pho­tos,
in beau­tiful light at the end of Sep­tem­ber. One of many pho­tos on the new Trygg­ham­na, Alk­hor­net and Ymer­buk­ta & Erd­mann­flya pages.

Have a nice weekend!


It can hap­pen that quick­ly. It loo­ked like this the other day:

Northern lights, Longyearbyen

Nor­t­hern lights over Lon­gye­ar­by­en.

And today like this. It can hap­pen that quick­ly.

Snowstorm, Longyearbyen

Snow­storm in Lon­gye­ar­by­en.

Wind and lots of snow, that’s a com­bi­na­ti­on that brings some exci­te­ment. The­se amounts of snow are unu­su­al for Lon­gye­ar­by­en, whe­re the over­all cli­ma­te is still arc­tic and thus rather low in pre­ci­pi­ta­ti­on, and bring chal­lenges with them: air traf­fic is impai­red and indi­vi­du­al buil­dings and sec­tions of ter­rain have alre­a­dy been evacua­ted or clo­sed by the Sys­sel­mes­ter due to the risk of ava­lan­ches. So far, this affects litt­le used buil­dings and snow­mo­bi­le trails near slo­pes in Lon­gye­ar­by­en, but on a day like this it’s bet­ter to lea­ve the hor­ses in the sta­ble any­way.

The slo­pes at Suk­ker­top­pen near the cen­tral resi­den­ti­al are­as have been equip­ped with exten­si­ve ava­lan­che bar­riers sin­ce the dead­ly ava­lan­che in 2015, other­wi­se the resi­den­ti­al are­as in this area might also have alre­a­dy been affec­ted by evacua­tions.

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

New rules: the details

The­re may be more attrac­ti­ve things to talk about than going into the small print of a com­pre­hen­si­ve new set of rules, but the much-dis­cus­sed new rules will from now on deter­mi­ne whe­re we can and can­not go in Sval­bard, and much more bes­i­des. So they are important. And abo­ve all, it is clear that the­re is a lot of uncer­tain­ty and a need for cla­ri­fi­ca­ti­on. The­re are now rumours and mis­in­for­ma­ti­on cir­cu­la­ting, which I would like to coun­ter.

So there’s only one thing to do: you have to get into the details to see what it is all about. This is not only important for gui­des who need to know the facts, but also if you are won­de­ring whe­ther a trip to Spits­ber­gen will still be wort­hwhile in the future (the short ans­wer: yes).

Spitsbergen, sailing ship Meander

Spits­ber­gen under sail: still pos­si­ble, still beau­tiful. In future, espe­ci­al­ly in key regi­ons whe­re we will con­ti­nue to have free­dom of move­ment as usu­al.

Howe­ver, I won’t be doing this as part of a post that will be pushed down more and more by newer posts over time, but on a sepa­ra­te page within the ‘Spits­ber­gen infor­ma­ti­on’ sec­tion, which will remain whe­re it is. Click here to open this new page.

Rumours and non­sen­se

The fol­lo­wing is not true:

  • ‘You are only allo­wed to go ashore in 43 places on boat trips in Sval­ba­re.’ That’s rub­bish, we still have ple­nty of space for landings and hikes. Refer to the new page for fur­ther details.
  • ‘Many bird colo­nies are now clo­sed and may no lon­ger be visi­ted.’ That’s rub­bish, but the­re are speed limits in many places. Details … You can guess whe­re they are.
  • ‘You can no lon­ger see polar bears in Spits­ber­gen.’ Yes, you can, but distances app­ly (500 met­res until the end of June, 300 met­res from the begin­ning of July). Clo­se-ups are no lon­ger pos­si­ble in Sval­bard, but with bino­cu­lars and a good tele­pho­to lens, you can still have a gre­at expe­ri­ence and take some gre­at pho­tos. And this law does not app­ly at the drift ice out­side the twel­ve-mile zone.
  • ‘You are no lon­ger allo­wed to visit wal­rus colo­nies.’ Yes, you can. The mini­mum distances that are now pre­scri­bed for wal­ru­ses app­ly to boats. As soon as you are on land, you can visit wal­rus colo­nies as usu­al.
  • ‘Sval­bard is no lon­ger an inte­res­t­ing tra­vel desti­na­ti­on.’ This is wrong, Sval­bard is and remains a beau­tiful, inte­res­t­ing desti­na­ti­on with many pos­si­bi­li­ties. We still have ple­nty of space for shore excur­si­ons and hikes and we will still be able to see lots of wild­life, inclu­ding wal­ru­ses, polar bears (the lat­ter at the distances men­tio­ned abo­ve) and bird colo­nies.

New pages: Mid­ter­huk­ham­na and more

During the polar night and in the rela­ti­ve calm of the begin­ning of the new year, you can relax and crea­te beau­tiful new pages, also to take your mind off the some­ti­mes some­what rou­ti­ne work on the updated edi­ti­ons of the Sval­bard gui­de­book. This refe­rence to the­se beau­tiful new pages is inten­ded as an easi­ly diges­ti­ble intro­duc­tion to the Sval­bard news sec­tion 2025.

Pan­ora­ma land­scape Bell­sund

Bell­sund has so far been some­what spar­se­ly repre­sen­ted in the Sval­bard pan­ora­ma sec­tion, which of cour­se does not do jus­ti­ce to this varied and beau­tiful area, and the­re is cer­tain­ly more than enough mate­ri­al for cor­re­spon­ding pages in the archi­ve, they just have to be crea­ted bit by bit. Mid­ter­huk­ham­na and Gås­ber­get (Mid­ter­hu­ken) are a nice step for­ward with two brand­new pages. Enjoy the vir­tu­al trip the­re, the view over Bell­sund is fan­ta­stic and the who­le area real­ly is a natu­ral gem.

Gåsberget, Midterhuken. Panorama

View from Mid­ter­hu­ken in Bell­sund: a mou­se click wort­hwhile. The pic­tu­re here is just a screen­shot, the real pan­ora­mas can be rota­ted 360 degrees on the screen.

If you fan­cy more of Bell­sund, you should for exam­p­le visit Obser­va­to­rief­jel­let and Snat­cher­pyn­ten in Recher­chefjord, or Akseløya inclu­ding Rus­selt­ved­tod­den. The­re is ple­nty of good stuff.

Hap­py New Year! New Year’s Eve in Lon­gye­ar­by­en

The fire­works in Lon­gye­ar­by­en are cer­tain­ly not the most spec­ta­cu­lar in the world. The­re are hard­ly any pri­va­te fire­works, but the­re are two public fire­works dis­plays on New Year’s Eve: one fami­ly-fri­end­ly at 7 pm, the second clas­sic at mid­night.

While the fire­works them­sel­ves may not be the big­gest on the pla­net – for which some peo­p­le and cer­tain­ly all ani­mals are gra­teful – the­re was a very quiet, beau­tiful fire­work dis­play from abo­ve as an enco­re 😀 and that was cer­tain­ly quite uni­que.

Hap­py new year!

Fire­works in Lon­gye­ar­by­en

From earth and the sky.

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.


News-Listing live generated at 2025/February/15 at 22:18:10 Uhr (GMT+1)